Spirit Week!

We are all looking for something to bring us a little joy these days. Someone came up with a fun idea for some of our SCA friends far and wide. So in a throw back to days of yor we are doing a little spirit week.

Spirt Week



Monday: Well forgot in the morning. Well morning for me was at 2 pm today. This virus has my schedule all messed up and such and I forgot to get a morning picture. So I took a picture of my not very cute, lazy pjs. So here is my pj day.






20200331_225930.jpgTuesday is Kingdom Colors day! So much love for the Midrealm. This amazing sweatshirt was made by a friend for me and she is awesome. The cat that my daughter adopted she named after the Middle Kingdom motto of Draco Invictus. His name is Draco Malfoy Invictus. Tuesday also happens to be #TiaraTuesday so one picture to cover them all. I will have to do a post soon about Fae Tiara and her awesome project that she started.

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